The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers is a leading body and independent Course provider for Dog Trainers and Behaviourists. The IMDT was founded to promote the very best in understanding and training of dogs through quality Trainers and ultimately, owners. Founded in 1999 by
Steve Mann, with a great deal of invaluable help from leading Dog Trainers throughout Europe, America and the UK. The aim of The IMDT is to provide high quality training, education and membership to all Dog Trainers, with an emphasis on proven, ethical and science based teaching methods.
Through a comprehensive range of Courses and assessment, The IMDT offers a recognised and accredited qualification as well as a supportive, positive network of Members with a purpose of developing and offering the very best dog training and behavioural advice.
The IMDT is a Registered Learning Centre for The Open College Network & offers education and qualification that is externally verified, quality assured and recognised within the industry
Benefits of IMDT Membership:
- To be recognised and identified by Clients as a Member of The IMDT reassures Owners that you have undergone a respected Assessment process, resulting in the very best training and behavioural advice.
- All IMDT Members adhere to a strict Code of Ethics that guarantees respect for all dogs and Owners.
- IMDT Members enjoy support and encouragement from the IMDT ‘family’ through a network of social media, Head Office support and events such as the IMDT Members Day.
- Access to the latest Courses and Seminars
- Use of The IMDT branding and logo on all marketing material as a ‘kite-mark’ of quality training.
- Biennial Reassessment ensures all IMDT Members continue with quality CPD to guarantee consistent development of science based, ethical and professional dog training and behaviour modification.
- Quality Assurance; The IMDT offers the very best in education, support and dog welfare.
Above all else, Members of the The IMDT must be able to demonstrate a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of proven, ethical and science based dog training and behaviour and abide by The IMDT Code of Ethics.
Membership is available to successful candidates in two tiers:
Student Member IMDT
Full Member IMDT
IMDT Membership process
During the two day Assessment process, applicants will:
- Deliver a 20 minute outdoor lesson to a class of mixed ability dogs & handlers
- Deliver a 20 minute Puppy Home Visit and advise on a common 'puppy problem'
- Deliver a 20 minute rescue dog practical 121 training session and prepare a follow-up report/email to the 'owner'
- Sit a 20 minute question & answer oral test with an IMDT Full Member.
Following the Assessment, the applicant will receive a full report giving one of three possible outcomes:-
a) No offer of IMDT Membership at this time. This means that the applicant has not yet reached the desired standard to become an IMDT Member. The average assessment score will be 59% or below, or the applicant has not achieved 55% in two or more sections of the assessment. The assessment summary sheet will high-light areas to work on for the applicant to study before re-applying for Membership.
b) Offer of IMDT Student Membership This means that the applicant has reached the desired standard to become a Student IMDT Member. The overall assessment average will be 60% or over and less than 80% with the applicant achieving over 55% in at least 3 sections.
c) Offer of IMDT Full Membership This means that the applicant has reached the desired standard to become a Full IMDT Member. The overall assessment average will be over 80% with no individual section under 55%.
- Both Student and Full Membership (if registered for upon receipt of results) is valid for 2 years.
All IMDT Members must review their Membership before the 2 year expiry date by completing a reassessment. This is to ensure continued development in line with other professions.
ALL (Full and Student) Members can have their details on the IMDT website to help owners find an IMDT qualified Trainer.
Full and Student Members will receive a valid IMDT Membership card with unique Member's Number.
- Full and Student Members will receive a 10% discount on all IMDT Courses, Workshops & Seminars.
- Full and Student Members may use the IMDT initials after their name.
Full and Student Members may display The IMDT logo on their literature and websites.
- Full and Student Members must read, understand and sign to say that will act in accordance to The IMDT Code of Ethics.
Training and Behaviour.
- The IMDT Committee's decision on Membership assessment results is final.
All Members may display the IMDT logo on all training literature and use the initials IMDT in a professional capacity.
As well as professional use of the IMDT initials and logo, being a Member of a recognised professional dog training body and receiving the full support offered by the Institute, all Members receive 10% off future Courses and Seminars.
- Members receive classified listing in The IMDT recommended Trainers directory.
Download Assessement Templates Below:

IMDT Membership
If you provide sufficient learning outcomes as a result of your IMDT Assessment you will be invited to become a Member of the IMDT.
Along with your results we will send you a registration form which requests a payment for your two year membership.
Upon receipt of this your certificate, enamelled Membership lapel pin, embroidered badge and your membership card will be sent to you along with a welcome email detailing your membership benefits
Open College Network Accredited Certification
If you have attended the required IMDT courses (2 day Career as a Dog Trainer and The 4 day Practical Instructors course)
and you provide sufficient learning outcomes as a result of your IMDT Assessment, we can propose for you to receive the Open College Network Accredited Certification 'Principles of Dog Training and Behaviour', Level III.
The External Verifiers from The Open College Network visit us twice a year to go through your paperwork and to sign off your accreditation.
If you would like to receive accreditation and you have completed the required courses along with gaining either Student or Full IMDT Membership in the Assessment let us know on the registration form that you get with your Assessment results - this will be processed by the UK office.
The OCN administration, verification and registration fee is £75 + vat but is only payable upon successful completion of the verification process.
Once The OCN have agreed your accreditation, you will be sent an invoice to be paid upon return, this in turn will then release the accredited Certificate from The Open College Network